Inclusive Practices Cases

IP Laboratory “Empathy and Inclusion”

Tactile Touching.

C-tactile receptors all over the body, face and lips, in particular sensitive to the same C-tactile receptors of another person. And their conscious voluntary distant contact may produce affective interaction. That is the biological starting point of the empathic connectedness. Actually, couples in love spontaneously sometimes fall into this receptor connectedness and receive unconscious short-term experience of affective interaction. However conscious voluntary control of tactile empathic connectedness plays crucial role in case of disability and inclusion.

Empathic Connectedness.

The most remarkable quality of empathy is the ability to perceptive another person without habitual internal censorship, without censoring perception of another person with your own feelings. It means to perceive without mixing with your feelings. This can be possible only in case of affective tactile touching. Disabled people actually feel the threat of the disadvantages, of the potential pain, they feel suffering and so badly need somebody who truly feels exactly that suffering without mixing with his efferent copies, with his emotional, mental internal models. It means that both individuals within empathic connectedness start aware themselves together in between their bodies, and actually experience sense of the other.

Self-Other Awareness.

Only in this case space in between becomes conscious, both persons see and feel actually and begin to control this ability. Self-Other Awareness is the universal way of Perception and Action within the actual surrounding environment.

Perception-Action Coupling.

It is scientifically proven that every person has an innate reflex “Perception-Action” mechanism. In everyday living people spontaneously, involuntarily copy emotional, motor, psychological state of the person they contact with. In an inclusive community, all participants are inevitably drawn into these reflex relationships which leads to depression, anxiety and professional burnout. On the contrary in the case of conscious empathic tactile touching, both participants control an actual perception-action coupling. In our practice we actualize the neurophysiological ability to learn tactile empathic concern and functionally copy each other’s healthy state (motor, psychological, emotional).

Cerebral Palsy Case

Mental Disability Case

Blind Sight Vision Case


Cold Swimming Case

We make an emphasis on the aspect of Self–Other Connectedness leading to emotional contagion, affective sharing, and become affectively aroused by others’ emotional states. Empathic concern is the crucial point for disabled person; it is the badly need of the other-oriented concern, it is the inspiratory power for in his own internal state, his passion to push the limits with others is biologically actual. From this point of view his disability might turn in abilities and a real value for his surroundings.