Mental disability case
IP Laboratory “Empathy and Inclusion”
In the case of mental disability, a person is acutely aware the attitude of others towards himself.
Our trainee Nadia, being surrounded by a large number of people, always feels a social assessment in her address, a social limits and her own loneliness. Such a reaction can be explained by the constant activity of the C-tactile receptors, which need an affective state within sincere contact with a second person. Without active tactile touching Nadya experiences tension on her C-receptors. This is expressed in physical stiffness and a psychological state of depression. That is why our main goal in working with Nadia was to activate tactile touching due to perception-action coupling mechanism. Moreover we trained empathic speech as a tool for conscious control of the sense of the other.
This is vitally important! Now Nadia knows how to overcome social boundaries, how to manage her state, and that this is possible only within empathic contact.